Quality policy

INVERAMEL Fences and Constructions, S.L. . is a Spanish company specialized in the manufacturing and installation of greenhouses, fences, windbreaks, and agricultural warehouses.

We work every day for each of our clients, with the ultimate goal of meeting the specific needs of each one. To achieve this, drawing on 20 years of experience in the industry, we undertake complete projects ranging from designing the structure to commissioning the installation.

Our technical department studies the requirements of each client and will propose the best possible solution in each case. Once the project is defined, the production and quality departments will be responsible for manufacturing each of the necessary elements. Once this phase is completed, our own team of installers will ensure the successful completion of the next stage.

Our quality system is based on UNE-EN-ISO 9001 standards and, as a formalization of our commitment to evolution and improvement, establishes the following principles of action:
  • This policy will provide a framework for setting quality objectives, for the continuous improvement of the company and its entirety.
  • Compliance with the established requirements in UNE-EN-ISO 9001 standards, those of our customers, legal, regulatory, and other requirements, by implementing a Quality System.
  • Equipping ourselves with highly qualified and competitive staff through professional improvement processes based on continuous training, assessing their competence and training to perform work according to requirements.
  • INVERAMEL is committed to the continuous improvement of the quality management system, extending this commitment to all its stakeholders.

Edition 1, January 2022