Please read all the sections of this Legal Notice before using this website. The following conditions are binding for any user of the same.
In compliance with the duty of information established in Law 34/2002 on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE) of July 11, the following general information data of this website are provided below.
The purpose of this text is to explain in detail the functionalities of this website and provide information related to the website owner and the purpose of the content included in it.
The present Legal Notice regulates the use of the service of the website, informing you in compliance with Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, of the following:
Vallados y Construcciones INVERAMEL, S.L.The purpose of this document is to establish the general terms and conditions of use of the website. The general terms and conditions are of mandatory acceptance and compliance for all users who wish to use it.
The user undertakes to use the website, content, and services, without contravening current legislation, generally accepted practices, and public order. The use of the website for illicit purposes or that may cause harm to The Owner or a third party, which may in any way cause damage or prevent the normal use of the website, is prohibited.
The Owner ensures that the content and services offered by the portal respect the principle of human dignity, the protection of youth and childhood, non-discrimination based on race, sex, religion, opinion, nationality, disability, or any other personal and social aspect.
These General Conditions of Use of the website do not grant the user any other right to use, alter, exploit, reproduce, distribute, or publicly communicate the contents of the website other than those expressly provided for herein.
The contents (information, sound and/or image files, photographs, designs, etc.) gathered on the portal are the property of The Owner or are duly authorized for dissemination by their legitimate owners.
The Owner undertakes not to engage in misleading advertising and therefore prohibits:
The use for any type of commercial or advertising purposes other than those strictly permitted. Its reproduction, publication, distribution, or modification, in whole or in part, unless prior written authorization has been obtained from its legitimate owners or is legally permitted. Any infringement of the rights of The Owner or its legitimate owners over the same.
The user acknowledges and accepts that all industrial and intellectual property rights over the content and/or any other elements inserted on the website belong to The Owner or have been duly authorized for dissemination on this website.
In the event that a user or a third party considers that there has been a violation of their legitimate intellectual property rights due to the introduction of certain content on the website, they must notify The Owner by indicating:
Personal data of the interested party claiming the allegedly infringed rights, or indicating the representation acting in case the claim is made by a third party other than the interested party. Specify the contents protected by intellectual property rights and their location on the Web, accreditation of the indicated intellectual property rights, and an express declaration in which the interested party takes responsibility for the veracity of the information provided in the notification.
This website provides links to other own websites and contents owned by third parties.
The sole purpose of the links is to provide the user with access to said links. The Owner is not responsible in any case for the results that may arise for the user from accessing these links.
Users intending to establish any technical link from their website to the portal must obtain prior written authorization from The Owner.
The establishment of the link does not imply, in any case, the existence of relationships between The Owner and the owner of the site where the link is established, nor the acceptance or approval by The Owner of its contents or services.
The website where the link is established will not contain any trademark, name, logo, slogan, or other distinctive signs belonging to The Owner, except those expressly authorized.
These Conditions will be governed by Spanish law, subject to the courts and tribunals of the city of MURCIA (Spain) for any dispute arising from access to the website.
If any user has any doubts about this legal notice or any comments about it, they can contact or send a written communication to the address provided in the header.